Alameda County, California Organic, Sustainable, & Local Directory - Page 3
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Directory Listings - Page 3: Results 41-60 out of 72
Montclair Village Farmers’ Market
La Salle Ave at Moraga Ave
Oakland, CA 94607
As of 2012, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, flowers, eggs, seafood, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nursery plants, nuts, poultry, and prepared foods.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Fish & Seafood; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
1011 Gilman St
Berkeley, CA 94710
(800) 966-3457
(510) 558-7100
Nectarine provides premium private label bath, body, and skin care products to retailers, wholesalers and spa professionals.
Categories: Products; Online Shopping; Cosmetics; Cosmetics Online Shopping; Beauty
Region: Alameda County
Newark Farmers Market
Visit Newark Farmers Market's Facebook Page
NewPark Mall
Newark, CA 94560
As of 2014, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, crafts, flowers, eggs, seafood, herbs, vegetables, honey, nuts, plants, prepared foods, trees, coffee, fruits, and mushrooms.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Food & Drink; Eggs; Mushrooms; Baked Goods; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Coffees; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Fish & Seafood; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
North Berkeley Farmers' Market
Shattuck Ave. & Rose Street
Berkeley, CA 94702
As of 2014, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, flowers, eggs, seafood, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nuts, plants, poultry, prepared foods, beans, fruits, juices, mushrooms, tofu, and wild harvested products.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Mushrooms; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Prepared Foods; Juices; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Fish & Seafood; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
North Oakland Farmer's Market - Phat Beets Produce
942 Stanford Ave.
Oakland, CA 94608
As of 2012, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, herbs, vegetables, honey, nursery plants, prepared foods, and soap.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Food & Drink; Baked Goods; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
Nummi FM
45500 Fremont Blvd.
, CA
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Alameda County
Oakland Community Food Market
4173 Macarthur Blvd .
Oakland, CA
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Alameda County
Old Oakland Farmers' Market
9th St. & Broadway St.
Oakland, CA 94607
As of 2012, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, crafts, flowers, eggs, seafood, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nursery plants, nuts, plants, poultry, prepared foods, soap, and trees.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Fish & Seafood; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
Old Oakland Farmers’ Market
9th St & Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Alameda County
Pleasanton Farmers' Market
Main & W. Angela Street
Pleasanton, CA 94566
As of 2012, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, flowers, eggs, seafood, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nuts, plants, poultry, prepared foods, and soap.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Fish & Seafood; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
San Francisco Herb & Natural Food Co.
47444 Kato Rd
Fremont, CA 94538
(800) 227-2830
(510) 770-1215 x111
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Wholesalers; Food & Drink; Teas; Beverages; Herbs & Spices
Region: Alameda County
San Jose Evergreen Farmers Market
300 Aborn Rd., La Rochelle Winery
Fremont, CA 94538
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Alameda County
San Leandro Certified Farmers' Market at Bayfair Center
Visit San Leandro Certified Farmers' Market at Bayfair Center's Facebook Page
Bayfair Center, 15555 East 14th Street
San Leandro, CA 95678
As of 2014, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, flowers, eggs, seafood, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nuts, plants, soap, trees, beans, fruits, grains, juices, and mushrooms.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Mushrooms; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Juices; Grains; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Fish & Seafood; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
San Lorenzo FM
Hesperian Blvd. And Paso Grande St.
San Lorenzo, CA 94580
As of 2013, reported offerings include: organic products.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Alameda County
South Berkeley Farmers' Market
Adeline Street at 63rd Street
Berkeley, CA 94702
As of 2014, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, flowers, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nuts, poultry, prepared foods, beans, fruits, grains, juices, mushrooms, and tofu.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Mushrooms; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Prepared Foods; Juices; Grains; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
Sustainable Agriculture Education - SAGE
Visit Sustainable Agriculture Education - SAGE's Facebook Page
2150 Allston Way
Ste 320
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 526-1793
Categories: Lifestyle; Education; Employment & Internships
Region: Alameda County
Temescal Farmers’ Market
Visit Temescal Farmers’ Market's Facebook Page
5300 Claremont Ave
Oakland, CA 94607
As of 2012, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, crafts, flowers, eggs, seafood, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nursery plants, nuts, plants, poultry, prepared foods, soap, and trees.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Fish & Seafood; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Alameda County
Terra Bella Family Farm
7637 Foothill Rd
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 202-8020
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables; Events
Region: Alameda County
1011 Gilman St
Berkeley, CA 94710
(800) 966-3457
(510) 558-7100
TerraNova provides quality natural body care products and fragrances at wholesale for retailers, wholesalers, and spa professionals.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Wholesalers; Cosmetics; Reading; Blogs; Beauty
Region: Alameda County
The Metropolitan Homestead
Visit The Metropolitan Homestead's Facebook Page
Oakland, CA 94605
(408) 250-2450
Categories: Lifestyle; Online Shopping; Reading; Blogs
Region: Alameda County