Washington Non-Profit Organizations Directory
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Visit GRuB's Facebook Page
2016 Elliott Ave NW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 753-5522
We inspire positive, personal, and community change by bringing people together around food and agriculture. We partner with youth and people with low-incomes to create empowering individual & community food solutions. We offer tools & trainings to help build a just & sustainable food system.
Categories: Farms; CSA Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Education; Organizations; Non-Profit
Region: Thurston County
Mercer Island Farmers Market
Visit Mercer Island Farmers Market's Facebook Page
PO Box 71
Mercer Island, WA 98040
(206) 235-1185
The Mercer Island Farmers Market connects growers, consumers, and the Island businesses to create a valuable, sustainable community asset. The benefits resonate beyond our local community by contributing to the sustainability of our region's agricultural production. The market operates Sundays, from 10am to 3pm, June to October and has a Harvest Market the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. MIFM is produce only market supporting local farmers and agriculture.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Organizations; Family Fun; Non-Profit
Region: King County