Massachusetts Non-Profit Organizations Directory
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Community Servings
Visit Community Servings' Facebook Page
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
(617) 522-7777
Categories: Lifestyle; Health & Therapy; Education; Delivery; Volunteer; Organizations; Non-Profit
Region: Suffolk County
Earthlands Program & Retreat Center
Visit Earthlands Program & Retreat Center's Facebook Page
39 Glasheen Rd
Petersham, MA 01366
Earthlands is the home of the University of the Wild, the Earthlands Retreat Center, and the future site of the Earthlands Community Land Trust. It is a hub of holistic activities located in rural Petersham, Massachusetts. With over 330 acres of forest, meadows, fields and streams set in the heart of thousands acres of conservation and protected forests, this secluded land contains numerous sacred sites, gathering spaces, lodging and is rich in bio-diversity. For twenty years, Earthlands has been a place where people come to explore, learn and teach practices of personal, community and planetary change amidst the peaceful setting of this sacred land.
Categories: Lifestyle; Education; Camps & Retreats; Organizations; Non-Profit
Region: Worcester County