Pickaway County, Ohio Local & Organic Plants & Flowers Directory
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Farmer Bill's Produce & Honey
Visit Farmer Bill's Produce & Honey's Facebook Page
8516 Cox Rd
Williamsport, OH 43164
(740) 986-4305
We operate a small market farm and beekeeping operation near Williamsport, Ohio, selling through farmers' markets and direct to customers.
Categories: Products; Farms; Produce Farms; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables; Honey Farms; Plants & Flowers; Herb Plants
Region: Pickaway County
Pickaway Farmers' Market
Circleville, OH 43113
As of 2011, reported offerings include: baked goods, crafts, flowers, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, nuts, plants, and soap.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Baked Goods; Arts & Crafts; Herbs & Spices; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Pickaway County