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Windermere Farms & Apiaries

Windermere Farms & Apiaries

Visit Windermere Farms & Apiaries' Facebook Page

3060 Woodhills Dr
Memphis, TN 38128
(901) 386-2035
(901) 326-6379

Windermere Farms & Apiaries has been serving the greater Memphis area since 2007 with certified organic produce. We grow a variety of small fruits & vegetables, harvests honey from our own bees, and maintains 900 feet of American Bittersweet for Fall decoration. We also let you pick your own certified organically grown strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries.
Categories: Products; Farms; Pick Your Own Farms; Produce Farms; Health; Supplements; Berries; Fruits & Vegetables; Honey Farms; Mushroom Farms
Region: Shelby County


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