Washington Local & Organic Relish & Pickles Directory
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Back In Thyme, Inc.

Visit Back In Thyme, Inc.'s Facebook Page
7247 Everett Rd
Ferndale, WA 98248
(360) 303-5103
Small lavender and herb farm and gift shop. Just about everything in the gift shop is hand made. Flowers are processed and dried and used in sachets, potpourris, wreaths, soaps, salves, and massage oils. Also, old fashioned quilts, tea cozies, jams, relishes, pickles and lot more.
Categories: Products; Jams & Jellies; Teas; Herbs & Spices Online Shopping; Arts & Crafts; Gifts Online Shopping; Relish & Pickles; Gifts; Blankets & Bedding; Lavender; Corporations; Plants & Flowers
Region: Whatcom County
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