Kitsap County, Washington Local & Organic Produce Directory
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Abundantly Green

Visit Abundantly Green's Facebook Page
1146 NE Madison Rd
Poulsbo, WA 98370
(360) 692-2504
For over 122 years, our family has grown food at our historic 60-acre diversified family farm. Our food is available through our Year Round and seasonal CSAs, our Farm Store, and at two farmers markets. We keep our goals simple: Fresh picked food that didn't travel the interstate; Healthy food raised without herbicides, pesticides, and GMO tinkering; Hard-to-find vegetables and varieties; A farm to visit where you can see your vegetables growing; Tastier, healthier food. We raise produce, fruit, chicken and duck eggs, cattle, fryers, and sometimes pigs. Our animals are pastured. The Farm Store is openTuesday from 2 to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from Noon to 4 p.m. or by appointment or chance.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Farms; CSA Farms; Food & Drink; Farm Stands; Produce; Feed & Grain; CSA Meat Farms
Region: Kitsap County
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