Washington Local & Organic Cow Milk Directory
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Pride and Joy Dairy

Visit Pride and Joy Dairy's Facebook Page
2145 Liberty Rd
Granger, WA 98932
(509) 854-1389
At Pride and Joy Creamery our pasture-fed cows come first! Whether it
Categories: Products; Farms; Food & Drink; Milk; Cow Milk; Dairy Farms; Dairy; Raw Dairy Farms
Region: Yakima County
Sea Breeze Farm

Visit Sea Breeze Farm's Facebook Page
PO BOX 388
Vashon, WA 98070
(206) 567-4628
We do not apply commercial fertilizers of any kind to our pastures, relying instead on a grazing technique modeled after the migratory habits of wild cattle and bird populations. This labor-intensive, rotational system allows our freely-ranging poultry flocks to symbiotically forage, fertilize and cleanse the pastures behind our dairy herd. The resulting meat, dairy and eggs produced on our farm are of infinitely superior quality, both flavor- and health-wise than those produced conventionally, and in our opinion are significantly superior to typical
Categories: Products; Farms; Meat Farms; Food & Drink; Eggs; Milk; Free Range Eggs; Cow Milk; Vineyards & Wineries; Dairy
Region: King County