Massachusetts Local & Organic Manure & Compost Directory
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Horse and Goat Manure
975 Liberty Square Rd
Boxborough, Massachusetts 01719
(617) 642-8842
(978) 263-4574
Contained horse and "miracle" goat manure-composting. Always available. Some shaving and hay mixed in. Feel good about knowing that the manure is from a local farm (mine) that uses no antibiotics or other medications that may carry through to my compost.
Categories: Products; Fertilizers & Minerals; Manure & Compost
Region: Massachusetts
R & C Farms

124 Cornet Stetson Rd
Scituate, MA 02066
(781) 545-6502
The Simons family represents four generations of family farming. We have 10 greenhouses and over 70 acres. Well respected in the farming community, we built our business on solid customer relations.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Farms; Produce Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Fertilizers & Minerals; Farm Stands; Manure & Compost; Plants & Flowers
Region: Plymouth County