Kansas Local & Organic Body Oils Directory

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4 D ACRES Inc.

4 D ACRES Inc.

Visit 4 D ACRES Inc.'s Facebook Page

PO Box 1218
Louisburg, KS 66053
(877) 837-4119
(913) 271-1832

4 D ACRES carries 100% pure, all-natural emu oil as well as meat, lotions for skin care, purple emu products, emu egg art, and more.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Cosmetics; Reading; Testimonials; Hair Care; Blogs; Eggs; Body Oils; Dried Meats; Emu; Beauty
Region: Miami County


Kalaya Emu Estates

Kalaya Emu Estates

736 Crescent Dr
Hesston, KS 67062
(620) 327-4124

Kalaya Emu Estates offers pure emu oil products.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Recipes; Skin Care Creams; Pet Accessories; Lotions; Body Oils; Emu
Region: Harvey County
