Jefferson County, Missouri Organic & Sustainable Lifestyle Directory
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DeSoto Farmers' Market
Visit DeSoto Farmers' Market's Facebook Page
406 Lueking Dr
DeSoto, MO 63020
(636) 586-4570
(636) 208-3391
Open Saturdays, May 4th thru Oct. 19th, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The market is located on the parking lot behind St. Andrew's United Methodist Church, 1004 Rock Rd., De Soto MO 63020.
Every week we have exciting goods offered by our local vendors, including fresh produce, honey, jellies, jams, poultry, beef, baked goods, seedlings, plants, crafts, jewelry, soaps, etc. (Not all items are offered every week)
We have live music for your listening pleasure and you can enjoy a cup of coffee and fresh baked goods. We also have activities for the kids from 9 a.m. to 11a.m. at our Kid's Korner by the market shed.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Organizations; Family Fun
Region: Jefferson County
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