Auckland, New Zealand Organic & Sustainable Lifestyle Directory
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Maharishi Ayurveda

Visit Maharishi Ayurveda's Facebook Page
5 Honeysuckle Ln
Mairangi Bay, NZ 0630
+64 95245883
Maharishi Ayurveda is a traditional health system that developed in India thousands of years ago. Ayurveda is now undergoing a revival, helping individuals to heal themselves with a natural, time-tested approach. The herbs in Maharishi Ayurveda products are prepared in the traditional Ayurvedic way, using the whole herb instead of the active ingredient. This improves assimilation, creates holistic balance and prevents negative side effects.
Our formulations are all-natural and they contain no artificial colors of flavors or excipients of any kind. Natural binders collected from the wild, such as gum arabic, are the only binders used in some formulas. All capsules are vegetarian, and the coatings on tablets are vegetable glycerin. No animal products are used in the formulas or during processing.
Categories: Lifestyle; Online Shopping; Health & Therapy; Herbal Medicine; Health Online Shopping
Region: Auckland, New Zealand
SAFE's Cruelty Free Shop

Visit SAFE's Cruelty Free Shop's Facebook Page
, NZ 1010
09 379 3747
This shop is part of the animal advocacy organization SAFE. Proceeds go towards SAFE’s work against cruelty in New Zealand.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Lifestyle; Clothing; Retailers; Vegetarianism & Veganism
Region: Auckland, New Zealand
Waiheke Organic Food

20 Tahi Rd Ostend
Auckland, NZ
9 372 8708
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Retailers; Vegetarianism & Veganism
Region: Auckland, New Zealand
Eco Earth Organics Ltd.
Waimauku, NZ 0842
09 412 7316
021 488766
Eco Earth Organics distributes 100% pure organic beauty products to the public through health/organic stores, selected pharmacies, and Hardys stores nationwide.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Online Shopping; Cosmetics; Cosmetics Online Shopping; Beauty
Region: Auckland, New Zealand