New Hampshire Organic Reading Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-7 out of 7
Dancing Dog Farm

Visit Dancing Dog Farm's Facebook Page
(603) 924-3923
Organic/biodynamic, permaculture-inspired NH farm. Homesteading classes in cheese/yogurt making, soil health, compost tea, backyard dairy goats and poultry.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; CSA Farms; Blogs; Food & Drink; Syrups; Classes; Cheese Making Classes; Fruits & Vegetables; Fertilizers & Minerals; Honey Farms; Manure & Compost
Region: New Hampshire
D Acres of New Hampshire

Visit D Acres of New Hampshire's Facebook Page
PO Box 98
Dorchester, NH 03266
(603) 786-2366
D Acres was founded in 1997 and their mission is to function as an educational center that researches, applies, & teaches skills of sustainable living, and teaches small-scale organic farming.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; Blogs; Workshops; Tours; Information; Farming Practices Classes; Fruits & Vegetables; Education
Region: Grafton County
Field to Fork Farm

Visit Field to Fork Farm's Facebook Page
522 Haverhill Rd
Chester, NH 03036
(603) 548-4331
We established our farm in beautiful Chester, New Hampshire with the intention to grow and raise as much of the food as our family needs to avoid the health and environmental perils of industrialized farming.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; CSA Farms; Recipes; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Information; Fruits & Vegetables; Employment & Internships
Region: Rockingham County
Mack Hill Farm

Visit Mack Hill Farm's Facebook Page
35 Mack Hill Rd
Marlow, NH 03456
(603) 446-6261
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; Recipes; Blogs; Food & Drink; Mushrooms; Syrups; Fruits & Vegetables; Honey Farms
Region: Cheshire County
Sweet Harmony Farm, LLC

207 South Rd
Deerfield, NH 03037
(603) 463-3003
We are a small farm, raising alpacas for their glorious fiber. We are committed to promoting and growing the North American alpaca fiber industry.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Reading; Blogs; Alpaca Fiber; Arts & Crafts; Artisan Markets
Region: Rockingham County
Walpole Valley Farms

663 Wentworth Rd
Walpole, NH 03608
(603) 756-2805
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Reading; Blogs; Free Range Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Tours; Pasture Raised Pork; Free Range Chicken; Free Range Turkey
Region: Cheshire County
Ragtime Farm
Danbury, NH 03230
(603) 768-5659
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Reading; Textiles & Materials; Blogs; Yarns; Fleeces; Arts & Crafts; Felts; Rovings; Artisan Markets
Region: Merrimack County