Orange County, California Going Green Lifestyle Directory
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We Save Bees

Visit We Save Bees' Facebook Page
23785 El Toro Rd #435
Lake Forest, CA 92630
(949) 614-5483
(951) 254-1057
We save and relocate unwanted bee hives from residential and commercial locations. We are the alternative to the pest control and bee killer companies.
We safely remove each hive by hand, without the use of vacuums or harsh chemicals. We have a 95% success rate of relocation to a local apiary and our process continues to get better. We do charge for our services, due to insurance/gas/time/materials, but charge much less then our competitors. The bees are all donated to local bee keepers. We specialize aggressive and hard to get to hives. We Save Bees for less then they charge to kill them is our mato and we will beat any written estimate by 5% or greater. We will save your bees from the toughest locations. Check out or website and photo gallery to see what we do. Help us save more then they kill!
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Services; Directories; Mobile; Going Green
Region: Orange County
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