New Mexico Family Fun Directory - Page 4
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Directory Listings - Page 4: Results 61-80 out of 96
Pojoaque Valley Farmers' Market
78 Cities of Gold Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87506
(505) 455-9086
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Santa Fe County
Portales Farmers Market
First Street and Avenue B
Portales NM, NM 88130
As of 2011, reported offerings include: flowers, herbs, vegetables, and soap.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Food & Drink; Herbs & Spices; Plants & Flowers; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Roosevelt County
Portales Farmers' Market
Portales, NM 88130
(575) 760-0690
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Roosevelt County
Questa Farmers Market
Questa Supermarket parking lot
Questa, NM 87556
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Taos County
Ramah Farmers' Market

Visit Ramah Farmers' Market's Facebook Page
Bloomfield & Lewis
Ramah, NM 87321
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: McKinley County
Rio Rancho Growers' Market
945 24th Ave.
Rio Rancho, NM
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Sandoval County
Ruidoso Downs Farmers Market
26337 U.S. 70, Ruidoso Downs, NM
Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346
As of 2015, reported offerings include: crafts, flowers, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, nuts, soap, and fruits.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Food & Drink; Eggs; Arts & Crafts; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Lincoln County
San Felipe Farmers Market
25 Hagen Road
San Felipe Pueblo, NM 87001
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Sandoval County
Santa Fe Farmers Market - Southside Market

Zafarano dr and San Ignacio rd
Santa Fe, NM 87507
As of 2012, reported offerings include: baked goods, flowers, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, and jams.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Baked Goods; Herbs & Spices; Plants & Flowers; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Santa Fe County
Santa Fe Farmers' Market

1607 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
As of 2012, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, crafts, flowers, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nursery plants, nuts, plants, poultry, prepared foods, and soap.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Santa Fe County
Shiprock Farmers' Market
Hwy 64
Shiprock, NM 87420
As of 2014, reported offerings include: vegetables, and fruits.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Fruits; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: McKinley County
Sierra County Farmers' Market

Riverside Drive between Cedar and Birch
Truth or Consequences , NM 87901
As of 2014, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, crafts, flowers, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, nuts, prepared foods, soap, coffee, and fruits.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Baked Goods; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Coffees; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Sierra County
South Valley Growers' Market
3907 Isleta Blvd SW
Albuquerque, NM
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Bernalillo County
Sunland Park Ardovino's DC Farmers' Market

Visit Sunland Park Ardovino's DC Farmers' Market's Facebook Page
one Ardovino Dr
sunland park, NM 88063
As of 2015, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, crafts, flowers, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, meat, nuts, plants, poultry, prepared foods, soap, trees, wine, coffee, fruits, grains, and juices.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Coffees; Juices; Grains; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Wines; Vegetables
Region: Dona Ana County
Taos Farmers' Market

Taos Plaza
Taos, NM 87571
As of 2014, reported offerings include: organic products, vegetables, and fruits.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Fruits; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Taos County
Tierra Amarilla: Jardines del Norte Farmers Market
Community Bank parking lot, US Rte 84
Tierra Amarilla, NM 87575
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Rio Arriba County
Tucumcari Farmers' Market
Visit Tucumcari Farmers' Market's Facebook Page
Wailes Park, Tucumcari Blvd. & Date St.
Tucumcari, NM 88401
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Quay County
Tularosa Farmers Market
corner of bookout and central avenue
tularosa, NM 88352
As of 2012, reported offerings include: crafts, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, nuts, and plants.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Food & Drink; Eggs; Arts & Crafts; Herbs & Spices; Plants & Flowers; Seeds & Nuts; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Otero County
Zia Bernalillo Farmers' Market
Visit Zia Bernalillo Farmers' Market's Facebook Page
335 S. Camino del Pueblo
Bernalillo, NM 87004
As of 2014, reported offerings include: baked goods, cheese, crafts, eggs, vegetables, honey, meat, beans, and fruits.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Arts & Crafts; Fruits; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables
Region: Sandoval County
Taos Pueblo - Red Willow Farmers' Market
Taos Pueblo, NM
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: New Mexico