Centre County, Pennsylvania Organic Employment & Internships Directory
Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-2 out of 2

Visit Pennsylvania Certified Organic's Facebook Page
106 School St
Spring Mills, PA 16875
(814) 422-0251
Pennsylvania Certified Organic (PCO) is a USDA-accredited organic certifying agency that educates and certifies growers, processors and handlers of organic crops, wild crops, livestock, and livestock products in Pennsylvania and adjoining states.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Education; Employment & Internships; Organizations; Family Fun
Region: Centre County

179 Tait Rd
Centre Hall, PA 16828
(800) 787-2716
(814) 466-2386
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Recipes; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables; Employment & Internships; Volunteer; Plants & Flowers
Region: Centre County