Oregon Organic and Sustainable Delivery Services Directory
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Harmony Jack Farms

Visit Harmony Jack Farms' Facebook Page
41154 Ridge Dr
Scio, OR 97374
(503) 767-2174
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; Recipes; Mushrooms; Meats Online Shopping; Teas; Free Range Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Pork; Information; Fruits & Vegetables; Produce Online Shopping; Pasture Raised Goats; Free Range Chicken; Pasture Raised Veal; Delivery; Coffees; Organizations
Region: Linn County
Hood River Organic

Visit Hood River Organic's Facebook Page
4780 Dee Hwy
Hood River, OR 97031
(541) 354-2111
We are a local organic CSA farm in Hood River providing home delivery in Portland and Hood River. We grow organic vegetables, fruit and mushrooms.
Categories: Online Shopping; Farms; CSA Farms; Produce Online Shopping; Food & Drink Online Shopping; Delivery
Region: Hood River County
7911 NE 33rd Ste 220
Portland, OR 97211
(503) 249-7783
Spud provides online grocery shopping for home delivery of fresh produce and local organic foods in the Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle areas.
Categories: Food & Drink Online Shopping; Delivery; Produce
Region: Multnomah County