Seneca County, New York Organic and Sustainable Grocers & Markets Directory
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Montezuma Winery Farmers Market

2981 U.S. Route 20
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
As of 2012, reported offerings include: baked goods, cheese, crafts, flowers, vegetables, honey, nursery plants, plants, prepared foods, and wine.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Food & Drink; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Plants & Flowers; Family Fun; Wines; Vegetables
Region: Seneca County
Red Jacket Orchards

Visit Red Jacket Orchards' Facebook Page
957 Route 5 & 20
Geneva, NY 14456
As of 2014, reported offerings include: organic products, baked goods, cheese, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, maple products, meat, nuts, prepared foods, soap, and fruits.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Soaps; Honey; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Seeds & Nuts; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables; Maple Products
Region: Seneca County
Sauder's Farmers Market
2146 River Rd., 1/4 mi. W of village
Seneca, NY
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Seneca County
Seneca Falls Farmers Market

Visit Seneca Falls Farmers Market's Facebook Page
Water Street, People's Park
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
As of 2014, reported offerings include: baked goods, cheese, crafts, flowers, eggs, herbs, vegetables, honey, jams, maple products, meat, plants, poultry, prepared foods, and fruits.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Honey; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Cheeses; Baked Goods; Arts & Crafts; Prepared Foods; Herbs & Spices; Fruits; Plants & Flowers; Meats; Family Fun; Vegetables; Maple Products
Region: Seneca County
Valois Stone Arch Farmers Market
Rt. 414, 1/4 mile south of Valois
Hector, NY 14841
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Family Fun
Region: Seneca County