Michigan Organic and Sustainable Farm Stands Directory

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Avalon Farms Homegrown

Avalon Farms Homegrown

Visit Avalon Farms Homegrown's Facebook Page

14302 East OP Ave
Climax, MI 49034
(269) 746-4648
(269) 720-2279

Our hydroponic greenhouses are used to produce tomatoes and salad greens while our gardens, fields and high tunnels are used to produce a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. We offer tours by appointment. Our "Share of the Farm" CSA offers a wide variety of Michigan fruits and vegetable to subscribers while our on farm market offers a similar selection of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Store hours vary by season. Call or visit our website for details.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Farm Stands; Hydroponic Farms
Region: Kalamazoo County


Frank Farms

Frank Farms

Visit Frank Farms' Facebook Page

8249 Deans Hill Rd
Berrien Center, MI 49102
(269) 461-4125

We are working hard to provide fresh and excellent tasting produce to our customers. We welcome you and your family to come and enjoy a peaceful and fun experience at our family farm.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farms; Pick Your Own Farms; Produce Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Farm Stands; Family Fun
Region: Berrien County
