Cecil County, Maryland Organic and Sustainable Farm Stands Directory
Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-1 out of 1
Fair Weather Farm at Fairhill
Visit Fair Weather Farm at Fairhill's Facebook Page
5727 Telegraph Rd
Elkton, MD 21921
(302) 530-7028
Fair Weather Farm is located in Elkton, MD on 5 acres alongside the beautiful Fair Hill park. We run a CSA for much of the year offering fruits, vegetables, greens, mushrooms, pastured chicken eggs, flowers, and herbs. Come visit us!
We are USDA certified organic and have a greenhouse and a hoop-house for year-long production of leafy greens.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Farms; CSA Farms; Workshops; Fruits & Vegetables; Education; Farm Stands
Region: Cecil County
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