Lane County, Oregon Organic & Sustainable Worm Farms Directory
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Yep Yep Organic Farm
Visit Yep Yep Organic Farm's Facebook Page
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 914-0417
Yep Yep currently operates a small aquaponics unit in Eugene, Oregon. We are working on building our business plan, selecting an urban site, forming a 501c3 non-profit, networking with our communities and designing modern solar greenhouses for our energy independent plan. We seek investors, donors and philanthropists.
To create economically progressive and highly sustainable farms that produce high volumes of nutritious foods, heal the land, evolve the community and provide educational and employment opportunities for those in need.
To continually expand to meet many of the dietary, monetary, empowerment and inter-connectivity needs of our customers, employees and volunteers by increasing their capacity to support families, communities, land, water, air and themselves.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Workshops; Education; Urban Farming; Worm Farms; Aquaponic Farms
Region: Lane County
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