Organic & Natural Seed & Nut Farms Directory - Page 4
Organic & Natural Seed & Nut Farms
Seeds, nuts, and oils are prevalent throughout the typical diet. Peanut butter is a staple of millions of American schoolchildren. Walnuts, pecans, and other tree nuts are eaten whole or processed into rich oils. Soybeans may be the most ubiquitous food in the American food chain, showing up in everything from tofu to cooking oil to animal feed. The vast majority of conventional soybeans grown in the U.S. are genetically-engineered organisms (GEOs). However, soybeans, like most other seed and nut crops, show very low or nonexistent pesticide residues, making conventional products a safer choice for consumers in this food category than in some others. Oils, however, often undergo extensive processing, including chemical additives and nutrient-degrading temperatures. Expeller-pressed organic oils help to avoid some of these issues.
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Directory Listings - Page 4: Results 61-73 out of 73
Wild Boar Farms

Visit Wild Boar Farms' Facebook Page
Fairfield, CA 94534
(707) 225-5757
Wild boar farms heirloom offers open pollinated tomato seeds for sale, and heirloom tomato seeds for sale.
Categories: Farms; Seed & Nut Farms
Region: Solano County
Wilderness Farms
Lot 2351 Edith Farms Rd
Katherine, NT 0851
(08)897 54932
Categories: Products; Farms; Produce Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Hays; Feed & Grain
Region: Northern Territory, Australia
Wood Prairie Farm

Visit Wood Prairie Farm's Facebook Page
49 Kinney Rd
Bridgewater, ME 04735
(800) 829-9765
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Reading; Testimonials; Seed & Nut Farms; Recipes; Blogs; Syrups; Tours; Fruits & Vegetables; Mom & Pop's; Potatoes; Food & Drink Online Shopping; Gifts; Grains; Sprouts & Grasses; Manure & Compost; Bean Farms
Region: Aroostook County
Boondockers Farm
Visit Boondockers Farm's Facebook Page
25720 S Beavercreek Rd
Beavercreek, OR 97004
(503) 632-7934
Our farm is dedicated to providing the most sustainable, amazingly fresh, humanely, all pasture raised, breeding stock, heritage meats, eggs, and heirloom seeds to the Portland, Oregon and the surrounding areas. For genetic diversity purposes we do ship our seeds & day old ducklings to 49 states and Canada, March through September.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Poultry; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Chicken; Free Range Chicken; Livestock Farms; Hatching Eggs; Chickens
Region: Clackamas County
A Few Good Plants
(417) 876-7139
Categories: Online Shopping; Farms; Seed & Nut Farms
Region: Missouri
CC Family Farm
Penryn, CA 95663
(916) 663-1630
We are fourth generation egg farmers located in south Placer county. Come visit our sustainable practices farm where we produce fruits, nuts, vegetables, and eggs.
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Free Range Eggs; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Placer County
EveningShade Enterprizes
Milo, MO 64767
(417) 684-0405
We are a family farm practicing the art of growing all of our food products the natural, and sustainable way using a small powered tractor and horses.
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Vernon County
Old YellowHorse Gifts
Brimley, MI 49715
(906) 630-5612
Categories: Lifestyle; Online Shopping; Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Soaps; Herbal Medicine; Herbs; Salves
Region: Chippewa County
Ommas Aarden Heirloom Seed
Port Leyden, NY 13433
(315) 348-6033
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Reading; Seed & Nut Farms; Information
Region: Lewis County
R-Fuzzybutt Poultry Farm
Coquille, OR 97423
We offer hatching eggs, day old chicks, non-GMO seeds and canned goods from our local farm.
Categories: Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Canned Goods; Livestock Farms; Hatching Eggs
Region: Coos County
Smit Orchards
Visit Smit Orchards' Facebook Page
Linden, CA 95236
(209) 224-9066
Categories: Products; Farms; Produce Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Food & Drink; Fruits & Vegetables; Dried Fruits
Region: San Joaquin County
Wachter Farms
Lincoln, IL 62656
(217) 871-0666
(217) 871-7379
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; Seed & Nut Farms; Blogs; Pet Treats; Free Range Eggs; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Logan County
Yesteryear Poultry and Seed
Mira Loma, CA 91752
(951) 685-1704
A website to purchase heritage chickens and heirloom seeds as well as learn about Mottled Javas and other heritage breeds!
Categories: Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Free Range Eggs; Free Range Chicken
Region: Riverside County