Sullivan County, Tennessee Organic & Sustainable Farms Directory
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Red Bud Farm

PO Box 770
Blountville, TN 37617
(423) 574-7474
(423) 534-8486
Red Bud Farm worm castings are nature's best organic fertilizer and all-natural plant food for EVERY kind of plant both indoor/outdoor. We are OMRI listed in our own name! We feed NO animal manures or food scraps. All worm castings are NOT the same! Red Bud Farm worm castings:
*have no odor
*look & feel like coffee grounds
*are child & pet safe
*NEVER burn plants or people
*repel (not kill) lots of harmful insects & pesky bugs, like spider mites, white files, aphids, & many other pests that feed on plant juices
*are earth-friendly to produce a more organic environment
*greatly increase growth, size, & product yield
*can be used ANY time on ANY stage of growth
*aerate to create open space to keep the dirt loose & allow it to drain unnecessary water easily so plants do not become water-logged or develop root rot
*moisturize by holding water so plants' roots do not dry out
*can be stored in any dry place, garage or shed
*have no expiration date
*are time-released, activated with water.
Categories: Products; Farms; Fertilizers & Minerals; Worm Casting; Manure & Compost; Worm Farms; Soils
Region: Sullivan County
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