Polk County, Florida Organic & Sustainable Farms Directory

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Bilbrey Family Farm

Visit Bilbrey Family Farm's Facebook Page

6488 Bilbrey Nursery Rd
Auburndale, FL 33823
(863) 206-2900
(863) 412-2008

We are small in size but mighty in production!

We have a farm stand open to the public and a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) located in Auburndale, Florida. Our products are produced using organic growing methods. and we follow the USDA's National Organic Program rules and regulations. What this means to our customers and CSA members is fresh, locally grown produce and fruit that are healthier and more nutritious because no harmful products were used in their production.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farms; Produce Farms; Farmers' Markets; CSA Farms; Food & Drink; Fruits & Vegetables; Family Fun
Region: Polk County


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