Oregon Organic & Sustainable Farms Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 114
Visit Cows-R-Us' Facebook Page
(503) 507-7911
Categories: Farms; Milk
Region: Oregon
Afton Field Farm

Visit Afton Field Farm's Facebook Page
3375 SW 53rd St
Corvallis, OR 97333
(541) 752-0346
(541) 231-6144
We are a small sustainable, grass based, pasture loving family farm. We get psyched about local food sources, customers & restaurants who believe in & support small farms, and just all around yummy, nutritious food!
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Reading; Honey; Blogs; Free Range Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork; Free Range Chicken; CSA Meat Farms
Region: Benton County
AMR Farms, LLC.

PO Box 843
Jefferson, OR 97352
(800) 890-8717
Fresh picked berries available at a great price to local stores, fruit stands, restaurants, caterers, and the general public.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Recipes; Berries
Region: Marion County
Anna Rose Farm

Visit Anna Rose Farm's Facebook Page
3285 Gibson Rd
Salem, OR 97304
(971) 237-3150
Grassfed recipes make taste buds dance.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; Textiles & Materials; Recipes; Lamb; Wools; Pasture Raised Lamb
Region: Polk County
Backyard Bounty Farm

SE Stanley Ave
Portland, OR 97206
(503) 916-9576
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Multnomah County
Bald Hill Farm, LLC

5700 SW Reservoir Ave
Corvallis, OR 97333
(541) 753-3500
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; Honey; Free Range Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork; Fruits & Vegetables; Pasture Raised Goats
Region: Benton County
Bald Hill Farm, LLC.

5700 SW Reservoir Ave
Corvallis, OR 97333
(541) 753-3500
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; Reading; Recipes; Blogs; Beef; Lamb; Pork; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork; Information; Mom & Pop's; Corporations
Region: Benton County
Barking Moon Farm

5960 Thompson Creek Rd
Applegate, OR 97530
(541) 846-6297
(541) 973-6914
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; CSA Farms; Blogs; Fruits & Vegetables; Employment & Internships
Region: Jackson County
Big Leaf Farm

PO Box 24
Eagle Creek, OR 97022
(503) 367-8124
Big Leaf Farm is a small family farm in Eagle Creek, Oregon. We are dedicated to sustainable farming practices and developing strong local food systems.
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Clackamas County
Blue Basin Beef

35393 Hwy 19
Kimberly, OR 97848
(541) 934-2425
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Testimonials; Recipes; Grass-Fed Beef
Region: Grant County
Blue Fox Farm

939 Thompson Creek Rd
Applegate, OR 97530
(541) 621-1242
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Employment & Internships
Region: Jackson County
Boondockers Farm

25720 S Beavercreek Rd
Beavercreek, OR 97004
(503) 632-7934
Our farm is dedicated to providing the most sustainable, amazingly fresh, humanely, all pasture raised, breeding stock, heritage meats, eggs, and heirloom seeds to the Portland, Oregon and the surrounding areas. For genetic diversity purposes we do ship our seeds & day old ducklings to 49 states and Canada, March through September.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; CSA Farms; Seed & Nut Farms; Poultry; Jams & Jellies; Food & Drink; Eggs; Duck; Employment & Internships; Duck Eggs; Gardening; Pasture Raised Duck; Livestock Farms; Hatching Eggs
Region: Clackamas County
Bose Family Farm

Visit Bose Family Farm's Facebook Page
35765 Cyrus Rd NE
Albany, OR 97322
(541) 971-0458
The Boses have been a family-owned and operated farm for the past 96 years. We are committed to growing quality crops while sustaining eco-friendly farming methods. And now we would love to share a bit of farm life with you through Bose Family Farm!
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farms; Produce Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Farm Stands
Region: Linn County
Bose Family Farm

Visit Bose Family Farm's Facebook Page
35765 Cyrus Rd NE
Albany, OR 97302
(541) 971-0458
The Boses have been a family-owned and operated farm for the past 96 years. We are committed to growing quality crops while sustaining eco-friendly farming methods. And now we would love to share a bit of farm life with you through Bose Family Farm!
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Farmers' Markets; Food & Drink; Berries; Fruits & Vegetables; Events; Corn Mazes; Family Fun; Festivals
Region: Marion County
Bunchgrass Beef

64370 Dobbin Rd
Joseph, OR 97846
(541) 426-4819
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Reading; Blogs; Grass-Fed Beef
Region: Wallowa County
Bunn Family Farms
Visit Bunn Family Farms' Facebook Page
Dayton, OR 97114
We are a fifth generation family farm located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Our philosophy is based on a rotational grazing system to promote livestock health and prosperity. Through a farming system that mimics natural systems, we are able to produce healthy soils and this results in pastures that livestock can and do flourish on. Animals spend the majority of their days on fresh green pastures and are rotated to maintain optimal animal and plant health. Sheep and cattle are strictly grass-fed with hay being their only supplement. Poultry and pigs are supplemented with grain based feeds to maintain peak health.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Beef; Lamb; Pork; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork
Region: Yamhill County
Bunn Family Farms
Visit Bunn Family Farms' Facebook Page
Dayton, OR 97114
We are a fifth generation family farm located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Our philosophy is based on a rotational grazing system to promote livestock health and prosperity. Through a farming system that mimics natural systems, we are able to produce healthy soils and this results in pastures that livestock can and do flourish on. Animals spend the majority of their days on fresh green pastures and are rotated to maintain optimal animal and plant health. Sheep and cattle are strictly grass-fed with hay being their only supplement. Poultry and pigs are supplemented with grain based feeds to maintain peak health.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Beef; Poultry; Lamb; Pork; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork; Chicken; Free Range Chicken
Region: Yamhill County
Butler Creek Farm

2160 Arthur St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 344-5204
(541) 350-8477
Offering premium grass-fed beef.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Beef; Grass-Fed Beef
Region: Lane County
Call of the Wool

61720 Lime Quarry Rd
Enterprise, OR 97828
(541) 426-3403
Categories: Products; Farms; Wools; Toys; Fleeces; Clothing Accessories
Region: Wallowa County
Capriola's Soap Co.

Visit Capriola's Soap Co.'s Facebook Page
10005 N Edison St
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 320-2215
We raise registered Nigerian Dwarf miniature dairy goats in beautiful Northwest Oregon. We also craft and sell Goat's Milk Soaps, Lotions, Body and Lip Butters.
Categories: Products; Farms; Soaps; Skin Care Creams; Balms; Milk
Region: Multnomah County