Oconee County, South Carolina Organic & Sustainable Farms Directory
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Sorrells Christmas Tree Farm
156 Radisson Rd
Seneca, SC 29678
(864) 882-5054
Categories: Farms; Christmas Tree Farms
Region: Oconee County
Crescent Moon Farms Grade A Goat Dairy
Visit Crescent Moon Farms Grade A Goat Dairy's Facebook Page
Westminster, SC 29693
(864) 985-3357
(864) 873-7300
We are a small Grade A Goat Dairy. Our goats milk is sweet and great for people with lactose intolerance, IBS, allergies, and more. We also have Fresh Goats Cheese. Cherve comes in several different flavors, Feta plain or in oil.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Farms; Food & Drink; Milk; Cheeses; Goat Milk; Dairy Farms; Dairy; Raw Dairy Farms; Kefir; Artisan Markets
Region: Oconee County