Clinton County, Indiana Organic & Sustainable Farms Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-3 out of 3
The Farmer's Pitchfork

6151 N SR 39
Mulberry, IN 46058
(765) 414-9352
We use sustainable farming practices on our farm, trying to be good stewards of the wonderful gifts God has given to us to manage. We are committed to raising healthy and happy animals that thrive in their natural environments.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; Reading; Blogs; Beef; Poultry; Lamb; Pork; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Free Range Poultry; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork
Region: Clinton County
The Farming Engineers

Visit The Farming Engineers' Facebook Page
3500 S CR 1380 E
Kirklin, IN 46050
(317) 836-5061
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Beef; Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Clinton County
Cottrells Christmas Tree Farm
Rossville, IN 46065
(765) 379-3825
Categories: Products; Farms; Arts & Crafts; Christmas Tree Farms; Artisan Markets
Region: Clinton County