Muskegon County, Michigan Organic & Sustainable Fruits & Vegetables Directory
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Country Girl Gardens
4669 Lorenson Rd
Muskegon, MI 49445
Categories: Products; Farms; Produce Farms; Free Range Eggs; Pasture Raised Pork; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables; Arts & Crafts; Artisan Markets
Region: Muskegon County
Country Girl Gardens
4669 Lorenson
North Muskegon, MI 49445
(231) 766-5976
Country Girl Gardens at Lundell Farms is a small farm where our goal is to provide our family and yours with naturally grown produce & meats, and free range eggs.
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; Poultry; Free Range Eggs; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Muskegon County