Gloucester County, New Jersey Organic & Sustainable Fruits & Vegetables Directory

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FAR Wind Farm, LLC.

Visit FAR Wind Farm, LLC.'s Facebook Page

1844 Winslow Rd
Williamstown, NJ 08094
(609) 774-0629

FAR Wind Farm LLC. is a small family owend ,free range egg farm. All of our chickens roam the pastured areas freely on a daily basis - weather permitting. We are a Jersey Fresh Farm.

Our hens are supplemented with LOCAL grown and ground, high quality, antibiotic, gmo FREE FEEDS . Our eggs are hand, collected, cleaned, packed and refrigerated daily. Producing high quality, old fashion eggs, with a difference that you can truly taste. We offer eggs by the dozen as well as in larger commercial flats. We can meet all packaging needs. Eggs are available at the farm. Please call before picking up at the farm. Eating farm fresh has never been so easy.

Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Produce Farms; Poultry; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Fruits & Vegetables; Chicken; Free Range Chicken; Livestock Farms; Goats
Region: Gloucester County

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