Boone County, Missouri Organic & Sustainable Fruits & Vegetables Directory

Look in Boone County for:
  • Olives

Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-2 out of 2

Blue Fox Farm

Blue Fox Farm

120 E Fox Hollow Rd
Ashland, MO 65010
(573) 657-1425

We are a small family farm focused on natural and sustainable farming practices that build communities in our local food economy.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; Blogs; Free Range Eggs; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Boone County

Chert Hollow Farm

Chert Hollow Farm

Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 474-0989

We are an organic farm dedicated to diversified agriculture, quality local food supplies, and sustainable living.
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; Tours; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Boone County