Androscoggin County, Maine Organic & Sustainable Fruits & Vegetables Directory
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Boothby's Orchard

366 Boothby Rd
Livermore, ME 04253
(207) 754-3500
Boothby's Orchard in Livermore, Maine, hosts a magnificent crop ofbrhoneycrisp apples (plus McIntosh/Cortland's) grown on wires for the perfect pick-your-own experience.We also gift-pack and ship nationwide.
Categories: Farms; Pick Your Own Farms; Produce Farms; Ciders; Fruits & Vegetables; Farm Stands
Region: Androscoggin County
Valley View Farm

1200 Soper's Mill Rd
Auburn, ME 04210
(207) 320-1969
(207) 615-6957
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Androscoggin County