Loudoun County, Virginia Organic & Sustainable Pick Your Own Farms Directory
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Crooked Run Orchard

Visit Crooked Run Orchard's Facebook Page
37883 E Main St
Purcellville, VA 20132
(540) 338-6642
(540) 338-7445
Crooked Run Orchard has been in one Quaker family, the Brown's, for over 250 years and farmed continuously. We use traditional methods of building a rich, self sustaining soil: composting, green and animal maturing, and crop rotation. Our season opens in April with 100% edible asparagus, and closes in December with handmade Holiday swags and wreaths. During those eight months you can pick your own crops. Depending on weather conditions, our wide range of crops include: sweet and sour cherries, thornless blackberries, summer apples, plums, peaches, fall apples, pears, pumpkins and gourds. We also have local wineries providing wine tastings on the weekends. Not all PYO crops are available every year. We welcome you to visit the farm, walk along a running creek bed, pick wild flowers, and enjoy a healthy picnic lunch.
Categories: Farms; Pick Your Own Farms; Tours; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Loudoun County
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