Frederick County, Maryland Organic & Sustainable Meat Farms Directory
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Solar Equinox Farm

Visit Solar Equinox Farm's Facebook Page
17012 Eylers Valley Rd
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
(240) 440-4713
Our farm is an agriculture endeavor being developed under the precepts of sustainable production and fresh unadulterated food available locally. We offer a limited supply of home grown, grass-fed Angus beef. The steers were raised in a low density and low stress environment without chemicals, pesticides, hormones, or prophylactic antibiotics.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Beef; Grass-Fed Beef
Region: Frederick County
Wagon Wheel Ranch

661 West Watersville Rd
Mount Airy, MD 21771
(443) 271-6850
(443) 257-5098
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork; Pasture Raised Goats; Free Range Chicken; Pasture Raised Duck
Region: Frederick County