Simpson County, Mississippi Pasture Raised Duck Directory

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Earthly Merchandise

Visit Earthly Merchandise's Facebook Page

Magee, MS 39111
(601) 697-6229

We are a family owned and operated business that does our best to provide all that is needed to affordably live a holistic lifestyle. We believe that the Lord will provide (Matthew 6:26) and that He will command blessings on the work of our hands (Deut. 28:8). With that belief firmly in place we set out to help others to have a chance to live the way He intended, a more healthy and pure lifestyle. And although it is not what goes into a man that defiles (Mark 7:20) it sure does feel nice when what goes in is good and wholesome.
Categories: Lifestyle; Online Shopping; Farms; Meat Farms; Poultry; Duck; Pet Products Online Shopping; Gardening; Pasture Raised Duck; Plants & Flowers Online Shopping
Region: Simpson County

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