Frederick County, Virginia Organic Free Range Chickens Directory
Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-2 out of 2

Visit Haskins Family Farm's Facebook Page
370 Buffalo Marsh Rd
Middletown, VA 22645
(540) 869-3795
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; Recipes; Poultry; Pork; Eggs; Free Range Eggs; Free Range Poultry; Turkey; Chicken; Free Range Chicken; Free Range Turkey; CSA Meat Farms
Region: Frederick County

Visit Skyview Acres' Facebook Page
Winchester, VA 22602
(540) 247-8585
We believe in traditional family farming using the same methods and standards as our grandparents did when they farmed. This means livestock living primarily on pasture and free range, without the use of growth hormones, preventative antibiotics, genetically modified feed or other chemical intervention. We offer pork, beef, chicken, Cornish hens, rabbit and eggs - all raised on pasture.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Beef; Poultry; Pork; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Pork; Chicken; Rabbit; Free Range Chicken
Region: Frederick County