San Mateo County, California Organic Pork Directory
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Markegard Family Grass-Fed

Visit Markegard Family Grass-Fed's Facebook Page
20080 Cabrillo Hwy S
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
(650) 670-7984
Markegard Family Grass-Fed provides the community with locally born, raised and processed certified grass-fed beef and lamb, and pasture raised pork and dairy. Customers can order beef, lamb and pork online through our shop to be delivered around the Bay Area, at Farmers Markets or by coming to the ranch during ranch day. Make sure to check out our CSA to join the other committed members who benefit with regular access to limited products, sales and special events! We look forward to serving you and your family with the freshest, healthiest local meats in the Bay Area!
Categories: Products; Farms; Meat Farms; CSA Farms; Beef; Food & Drink; Lamb; Pork; Milk; Grass-Fed Beef; Cow Milk; Dairy Farms; Pasture Raised Lamb; Pasture Raised Pork; Dairy; CSA Meat Farms
Region: San Mateo County
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