Windsor County, Vermont Organic Lamb Directory
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Fat Rooster Farm
Visit Fat Rooster Farm's Facebook Page
354 Morse Rd
South Royalton, VT 05068
(802) 763-5282
Fat Rooster Farm is a small, diversified family farm using organic methods of production. We grow our vegetables with hay and wool mulches, and we rotate our crops to reduce insect and disease potential in our vegetables and flowers. We use fertilizer from our animals, green manure cover crops and companion planting to build soil fertility and minimize plowing to maintain good soil structure.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; CSA Farms; Poultry; Lamb; Free Range Poultry; Pasture Raised Lamb; Arts & Crafts; Employment & Internships; Artisan Markets
Region: Windsor County
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