Berks County, Pennsylvania Organic Pasture Raised Lamb Directory

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Red Rope Farm

Red Rope Farm

Visit Red Rope Farm's Facebook Page

196 Hill School Rd
Douglassville, PA 19518
(610) 326-1842
(267) 265-0343

Red Rope Farm is a small family farm in beautiful Berks county, PA. We raise Tunis sheep for meat and wool, Narragansett and Black Spanish turkeys for Thanksgiving, and a variety of chicken and duck hens for eggs. We grow veggies each season and have them for sale at the farm. Handmade soap and handspun yarn is available at the farm or at local craft fairs.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Soaps; Poultry; Lamb; Eggs; Wools; Yarns; Pasture Raised Lamb; Duck Eggs; Livestock Farms; Sheep & Lambs
Region: Berks County

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