Iredell County, North Carolina Organic Beef Directory
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Mills Family Farm

Visit Mills Family Farm's Facebook Page
284 Barfield Rd
Mooresville, NC 28115
(704) 960-2994
(866) 590-1246
Mills Family Farm is a 200+ acre, veterinarian owned and managed, working cattle facility where we raise stocker cattle for feedlots across the country and also finish beef for our meat business – Mills Meats. Through Mills Meats, we offer local beef to the public and can ship nationwide. All of our beef is aged for 14 days. We provide gift certificates, custom beef cuts, and supply several restaurants, catering businesses and retail outlets in the Carolinas. We also offer farm tours, on-site and off-site agriculture educational seminars and cattle veterinary consulting. All of our cattle are pasture raised and fed a custom veterinary designed vitamin and mineral mix to provide a complete diet and obtain increased efficiency. We also offer all natural nitrate and nitrite free pork products, as well as humanely raised veal. We have also partnered with Calahaln Farms to provide a produce CSA or Buying Club, in addition to our Beef and Pork Buying Club programs. We also offer additional Bulk Buying Options that are wholesale to the public.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Beef; Poultry; Pork; Grass-Fed Beef; Veal; Chicken; Free Range Chicken
Region: Iredell County
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