Utah Cow Breeding & Sales Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-2 out of 2
Peterson Family Farm
240 S 300 W
Salem, Ut 84653
(801) 423-3762
Our family raises cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens on our small family farm. All our animals are free range, natural, and fed only natural pasture grass and leftover produce from our fruit trees and garden. Orders for our natural beef, pork, lamb, and eggs are always welcome.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Pork; Livestock Farms; Sheep & Lambs; Cows; Chickens
Region: Utah County
Tinstar Heritage Farm

Sandy, UT 84070
(801) 638-7991
Home of registered American Miniature Jersey Cows.
Categories: Farms; Livestock Farms; Hatching Eggs; Turkeys; Cows
Region: Salt Lake County