Idaho Organic & Sustainable Hydroponic Farms Directory

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Mundy Farms

2 Scott Ln
Salmon, ID 83467
(208) 756-1755

We believe in growing high quality food without harming the environment. We use the "would we eat it" scale to decide if our products meet the healthy standard of organic food consumption today. Although we are not yet certified until we are up and running, we are working on a new venture that will make us and our product available all across Idaho. New technology in food production allows us to grow "ultra organic" food with no chemicals at all on 90+% less land and 95% less water. This technology is so green that we can produce and ship our products and still beat any carbon footprint on any farm in Idaho per acre. Just one acre will produce more food per acre than the most productive lands in the world that are using conventional farming techniques. We are looking for future distribution points for our live vegetable and herb products and look forward to bringing high quality, nutrient dense food to our market.
Categories: Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Food & Drink; Greenhouses & Nurseries; Superfoods; Hydroponic Farms; Raw Foodism
Region: Lemhi County

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