Vermont Organic & Sustainable Honey Farms Directory
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Champlain Valley Apiaries

PO Box 127
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-7724
(800) 841-7334
Champlain Valley Apiaries has been producing high quality honey since 1931. Gathered by bees from the blossoms of clover and alfalfa, the honey is light in color with a delicious and delicate flavor that has been the favorite of customers for over 70 years.
Categories: Farms; Food & Drink Online Shopping; Honey Farms
Region: Addison County
Darby Farm

Visit Darby Farm's Facebook Page
54 N Main St
Alburgh, VT 05440
(802) 796-3105
We are a certified organic farm and a diversified operation producing berries, vegetables, and honey.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Berries; Fruits & Vegetables; Farm Stands; Honey Farms
Region: Grand Isle County