Organic and Sustainable Delivery Services Directory
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 117
2U Organics
02 9531 8665
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Food & Drink; Services; Delivery; Produce
Region: New South Wales, Australia
A Simpler Place in Time
Visit A Simpler Place in Time's Facebook Page
9905 Carr Rd
Riverview, FL 33569
(813) 383-4064
Marketplace offing fresh, local, organic foods and delivery.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Online Shopping; Recipes; Fruits & Vegetables; Delivery
Region: Hillsborough County
Abundant Harvest Organics

38694 Rd 16
Kingsburg, CA 93631
(559) 355-8856
Abundant Harvest Organics is an alliance of small family farmers in Central California dedicated to growing superior organic produce and getting it to you in the simplest manner possible; that is, without the use of chemicals or packaging materials. We grow locally and supply locally, cutting the need for expensive and wasteful fuel and packing resources.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Recipes; Fruits & Vegetables; Delivery
Region: Fresno County
Acme Farms + Kitchen

Visit Acme Farms + Kitchen's Facebook Page
3926 Irongate Rd
Bellingham, WA 98226
(360) 325-1903
We make it fun, simple + delicious to shop, cook + eat local! Our Locavore Boxes bring amazing local food into your home each week complete with recipes.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Online Shopping; Food & Drink Online Shopping; Services; Delivery
Region: Whatcom County
American Soil

1450 Tierra Rejada Rd
Simi Valley, CA 93065
(805) 578-0052
(818) 889-2727
OMRI listed organic compost.
Categories: Delivery; Manure & Compost; Soils
Region: Ventura County
Brookfield Farm

PO Box 227
Amherst, MA 01004
(413) 253-7991
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Delivery
Region: Hampshire County
Cache Creek Meat Co.

Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 312-1572
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; CSA Farms; Recipes; Free Range Eggs; Free Range Poultry; Rabbit; Free Range Chicken; Delivery
Region: Yolo County
Carolina Coffee and Tea Company

914 Tyrrell Rd
Raleigh, NC 27609
(919) 781-8888
Mighty Leaf Tea at it's best offering reasonable prices and free priority mail shipping for orders over $49.99!
Categories: Teas; Food & Drink Online Shopping; Delivery; Coffees; Retailers
Region: Wake County
Cates Family Farm

5992 Co Rd T
Spring Green, WI 53588
(608) 588-2836
Cates Family Farm offers natural Angus beef.
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Recipes; Grass-Fed Beef; Tours; Delivery
Region: Sauk County
Celtic Heritage Farm

Visit Celtic Heritage Farm's Facebook Page
Rt 1 Box 122C
Paw Paw, WV 25434
(540) 422-5975
We grow heirloom & organic produce for delivery to Northern Virginia and Eastern Panhandle, West Virginia. You're welcome to call ahead and come get some for yourself. Visit our website, call, or email for availability.
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Delivery
Region: Morgan County
Celtic Organic Wholefoods
South Port, QLD 4215
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Delivery; Retailers
Region: Queensland, Australia
Charlie's Produce

Visit Charlie's Produce's Facebook Page
4103 2nd Ave S
Seattle, WA 98134
(206) 625-1412
A full service produce company, supplying wholesale fresh fruit, vegetables, grocery items and more to Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Lifestyle; Wholesalers; Food & Drink; Employment & Internships; Services; Delivery; Produce
Region: King County
Christiansen Farm

175 E Sharp Rd
Vernon, UT 84080
(435) 839-3482
Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Reading; Blogs; Grass-Fed Beef; Pasture Raised Pork; Free Range Chicken; Free Range Turkey; Delivery
Region: Tooele County
Churn Creek Meadow Organic Farm

Redding, CA 96001
(530) 949-9508
We deliver organic produce to your home or office.
Categories: Farms; Produce Farms; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables; Delivery
Region: Shasta County
Community Servings

Visit Community Servings' Facebook Page
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
(617) 522-7777
Categories: Lifestyle; Health & Therapy; Education; Delivery; Volunteer; Organizations; Non-Profit
Region: Suffolk County
Deep River Cattle Company

588 Trivett Rd
Robbins, NC 27325
(910) 309-8494
Our family is devoted to providing lean, healthy, 100% grass fed beef directly to consumers. No steroids, no-growth-hormones, no animal by-products; no corn or grain, just healthy natural grass; no cloned animals or other genetic engineering.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Lifestyle; Online Shopping; Farms; Meat Farms; Reading; Recipes; Blogs; Beef; Meats Online Shopping; Grass-Fed Beef; Information; Mom & Pop's; Services; Delivery
Region: Moore County
Delicious Planet

Visit Delicious Planet's Facebook Page
309 S Cloverdale St E6
Seattle, WA 98108
(206) 720-7017
Delicious Planet evolved into a gourmet home delivery service to better accommodate those it served. My goal as founder and nutritionist for Delicious Planet is to keep the service as client-focused as it was in its initiation by using only the highest quality ingredients, paying close attention to client's needs and doing my best to educate along the way.
Categories: Lifestyle; Testimonials; Services; Delivery
Region: King County
Devon Point Farm

93 Pulpit Rock Rd
Woodstock, CT 06281
(860) 974-9004
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Lifestyle; Online Shopping; Farms; Meat Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; CSA Farms; Recipes; Blogs; Beef; Grass-Fed Beef; Information; Fruits & Vegetables; Education; Employment & Internships; Mom & Pop's; Services; Delivery
Region: Windham County
Door to Door Organics

Visit Door to Door Organics' Facebook Page
1215 Rock Creek Cir
Lafayette, CO 80026
(303) 297-3636
Door to Door Organics of Colorado delivers fresh, organic produce and local groceries to your home or office.
Categories: Food & Drink Online Shopping; Delivery
Region: Boulder County
Dove's Landing Farm

Visit Dove's Landing Farm's Facebook Page
600 Lillards Ferry Rd
Versailles, KY 40383
(859) 879-8580
Dove's Landing Farm strives to grow the highest quality natural vegetables, eggs, meat, and make natural soap for people in Central Kentucky and the surrounding area. Using sustainable methods of agricultural production to preserve and enhance soil quality while protecting environmental diversity, our goal is to ensure the long-term viability of agriculture at our farm.
Categories: Grocers & Markets; Products; Lifestyle; Farms; Meat Farms; Produce Farms; Cosmetics; CSA Farms; Recipes; Soaps; Eggs; Classes; Free Range Eggs; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables; Services; Delivery; Skin Care; Beauty
Region: Woodford County